Health Waqf

Health Waqf

Health Waqf

Millions of people around the world suffer from poor health due to a lack of access to appropriate medical care. Conflicts, disasters, and the lack of development impact the poorest communities the hardest and leave them vulnerable to disease and poor health outcomes.

The healthcare and hospitals Waqf supports the establishment and maintenance of medical facilities and the provision of treatment and healthcare services to those in the greatest need, free of charge.

The importance of health in Islam

Good health is one of the greatest blessings from Allah and Muslims are enjoined to care for each other - and feel each other’s pain.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "The believers, in their mutual love, compassion, and sympathy, are like a single body; if one of its organs suffers, the whole body will respond with sleeplessness and fever" (Hadith, Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)

"We send down the Qur’an as a healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss” (Al Israa: 82)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Ask God for forgiveness and health, for after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than health" (Hadith, Sahih Al Albani)

Examples of healthcare Waqf in Islamic history

Islamic history witnessed great care for human health and a relentless effort to provide treatment and means of treatment for patients. And from The most prominent Awqaf in this field:

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Bimaristan Al Mansuri

This hospital was established in Cairo in 682 AH, and was distinguished by its precision and extreme care for its patients. It provided healthcare and treatment for both rich and poor, old and young, the free and the enslaved. The Bimaristan was divided into four main sections: fever, ophthalmia, surgery and gynaecology.

The traveller Ibn Battuta emphasised the inability of one to describe the virtues of this place, since:

  • Each patient had their own bed, and there was a team of doctors, pharmacists, and staff to manage their treatment and comfort.
  • The Bimaristan also contained a large kitchen for preparing food and special recipes to contribute to the speedy recovery of patients.
  • After the patient was discharged, they were given a grant and clothing.
  • A medical school was attached to the Bimaristan to teach the foundations of medicine and qualify students to practise this noble profession.

Healthcare and hospitals Waqf projects you can donate to

Your questions on healthcare and hospitals endowments answered

  • What is the healthcare and hospitals Waqf and what is its purpose?

    Through this Waqf, IBW seeks to provide healthcare to communities that lack access to medical services and to provide medical supplies to hospitals and health centres in remote places.
    This Waqf also supports emergency medical aid in times of disaster.

  • Why donate to the healthcare and hospitals Waqf?

    Your donation to the Waqf for healthcare and hospitals can help save lives, including women in need of maternity care, children and babies who are vulnerable in their early years, older people who face additional barriers to healthcare, and those who are breadwinners for their families and have many people depending on them.

    IBW invests your donations in projects that are low-risk and compatible with Islamic Shariah. We then spend the proceeds and revenues on health services and in financing support for the health sector through funding hospitals and mobile clinics, facilitating surgical operations and providing medical equipment and supplies that help poorer communities.

  • How do I donate to the healthcare and hospitals Waqf?

    You can donate above through the ‘Donate a Share’ page, and make your donation to endow healthcare and hospitals. The original donation amount will be invested and reinvested in many projects, and its periodic proceeds will be spent on financing our health programmes to ensure the rewards and supply of charity are both ongoing.

