Health & Nutrition Waqf


Health & Nutrition Waqf

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Price per share: £100

Make use of medical treatment, for Allah has not made a disease without appointing a remedy for it, with the exception of one disease, namely old age.
Prophet Mohamed PBUH (Abu Dawud)

What is Health & Nutrition Waqf

When you donate a Health & Nutrition Waqf Share, your full contribution is pooled with those of other generous donors, we then invest the total pooled amount in a low-risk, Sharia-compliant manner. The returns from this investment are then used to fund health and nutrition projects around the world. But the impact doesn't stop there. A portion of the returns is reinvested, ensuring the perpetual effect of Waqf meaning your donation continues to make a positive difference indefinitely, providing improved health and nutrition to communities in need for generations to come.

What Does Health Waqf Offer

Other Health & Nutrition Waqf Projects

Examples of healthcare Waqf in Islamic history

Islamic history witnessed great care for human health and a relentless effort to provide treatment and means of treatment for patients. And from The most prominent Awqaf in this field:

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Bimaristan Al Mansuri

This hospital was established in Cairo in 682 AH, and was distinguished by its precision and extreme care for its patients. It provided healthcare and treatment for both rich and poor, old and young, the free and the enslaved. The Bimaristan was divided into four main sections: fever, ophthalmia, surgery and gynaecology.

The traveller Ibn Battuta emphasised the inability of one to describe the virtues of this place, since:

  • Each patient had their own bed, and there was a team of doctors, pharmacists, and staff to manage their treatment and comfort.
  • The Bimaristan also contained a large kitchen for preparing food and special recipes to contribute to the speedy recovery of patients.
  • After the patient was discharged, they were given a grant and clothing.
  • A medical school was attached to the Bimaristan to teach the foundations of medicine and qualify students to practise this noble profession.

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