Ramadan Waqf

Ramadan Waqf

Ramadan Waqf

Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and mercy, when good deeds are multiplied and within it is Laylatul Qadr, the night that is better than a thousand months.

At IBW the benefit of your Waqf donation is multiplied through investment, and the revenue is used to help multiple your good deeds.

Ramadan has a special place among Muslims

Donating to the Ramadan Waqf is a wonderful opportunity to achieve reward during the holy month and to show those in need during this blessed time that they are not forgotten. Our Ramadan Waqf aims to provide food, organise collective iftars, provide clothes and gifts to the poor, and enhance the spirit of social solidarity.

Ramadan is also an opportunity to strive in all forms of worship, such as prayer, charity, remembrance of Allah, and supplication. It is the month in which believers feel more empathy for others, especially those struggling to access food and water, and give generously to help alleviate their pain and suffering. It is the perfect month in which to increase your good deeds and make the intention of Waqf for perpetual rewards insha’Allah.

