Give water to the deprived

Give water for life

Water is a necessity for life but for many communities access is a challenge; one made worse by the rise in conflicts and natural disasters. According to the World Health Organisation, a quarter of the global population suffers from a severe shortage of usable water, with approximately 1.5 million people dying each year from water scarcity-related diseases and poor sanitation.

Those of us who can meet our water needs without struggle are blessed with a privilege that many lack. This is a blessing that deserves gratitude and investing in Waqf to help give water to others is a way of fulfilling our Islamic and humanitarian duty.

At IBW, we receive your donations and invest them in projects compliant with Islamic Shariah guidelines. We use the profits for various charitable activities including drilling wells and supplying water.

You can now dedicate a Waqf or contribute a share in our water projects

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